

Every child has the right to an inclusive, top-notch education from pre-kindergarten through secondary school, especially girls from low-income and underprivileged homes. Reality, on the other hand, shows that not all children have equal access to early childhood education, that low learning in the early grades causes learning disabilities, that gender stereotypes are ingrained in the curriculum, and that inclusive, safe environments are lacking in schools. To address these issues and guarantee that every child—especially the most vulnerable girls from marginalized communities—gets the inclusive, high-quality education they are entitled to, LEAF has adopted a multifaceted approach.

  • Boost financing for early childhood education and technical capacity.
  • Enhanced capacity to serve educators and school administrators on-site Test out social innovations in curriculum and pedagogy that are sensitive to gender both inside and outside of the classroom.
  • Boost technical abilities in encouraging and mobilizing girls (who have never enrolled, are sporadic enrollees, or have dropped out) to pursue an education.
  • Convergence models for SRH and child protection programs that take gender equality into account.
  • Convince donors and governments to increase their funding for girls’ education.