About Us

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Life Enabling Alternatives Foundation

The Life Enabling Alternatives Foundation (LEAF) is a registered public charitable trust based in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is a community-based action planning, and policy support organization, working towards bridging the gap between policy, practice, and research related to disaster mitigation and climate change adaptation as laid out in the Disaster Management Plan of District Disaster Management Authority of Collector Offices in Maharashtra. 

In order to foster resilience as outlined in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), LEAF works to connect local communities with national and international levels of risk reduction, relief, and long-term recovery policies and initiatives. In its capacity as an action and learning organization, LEAF seeks to advance disaster risk mitigation and adaptation to climate change risk through the facilitation of stakeholder roundtables, the training of trainers in capability, the implementation of the School Safety Program, reviews and reflections, and pilot or demonstration projects involving citizens. In addition to working on child sexual abuse, child trafficking, and other social concerns, parallel organizations also organize financial literacy training for various age groups with SEBI, CDSL, NIIT Foundation, etc.

Our Vision

The value of each life is in the quality of it’s connections. We at LEAF believe that connections with community based on deep interest, concerns, hobbies, passions build an inner fire that can energize individuals, groups and even societies. We at LEAF intend to organize voluntary community actions through small groups of diverse individuals who will congregate, support, and volunteer in specific actions.

Our Mission

Our mission is to accelerate socio-economic change in the Community. To build a trusted bridge between the dreams and aspirations of community people who Care about their all-round development in life.

Activity Areas

Since its founding, LEAF has worked in a variety of disaster management capacities, encompassing knowledge management, risk reduction, innovative approaches to disaster response and recovery, and policy support for ten cities and nine districts.

a) National Campaign for Inclusive DMPs
b) Child's Right to Safer Schools Campaign

- Education and Training
- Resource Material for community organizations, government agencies and organizations
- Research and Evaluations

LEAF applies a human security approach that fetuses on long-term recovery and community development four component securities: shelter, water, food and livelihood.

LEAF advocates for active and meaningful local participation in all disaster-related programs through national and regional roundtables, seminars, workshops, and consultations. It also aims to shift policies and programs related to disaster reduction and recovery in favor of underprivileged and marginalized communities, mainstreaming gender issues, child safety, and school safety in important disaster management areas. Among its initiatives in this area are the National Campaign for Pro-Poor DDMPs, Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management, Wetlands Risks, Linking and Mainstreaming DRR and CCA, and Protecting Human Rights in Natural Disasters.

LEAF's Partners

Universities, research centers, commercial businesses, and governmental and non-governmental organizations at the local, national, and regional levels are all partners of LEAF.